Summary of the poem Two Look at Two

"Two Look at Two" 

by Robert Frost

The poem “Two Look at Two” is a representative poem of Frost in the sense that it dwells upon the unbridgeable gulf between the animal world and the human world. In the poem the New England poet gives a picture of a human couple coming near the top of the hill. There is also the picture of the animal couple (the dear and the buck) coming near the top of the same hill. They look at one another maintaining a distance, but they never come close to one another. “Two Look at Tw and they can’t help simply looking at them. There is a gulf/gap between them which can never be bridged .Though this picture Frost gives us the impression that there is an unbridgeable gap between man and nature and between the human world and the animal world. They may feel some curiosity for one another but they don’t dare to come close .The character the image of a stone broken that is, the image of division. The suggestion is: there is no possibility of union between the world and the human world. The character also see woods on the hill. 

They say goodnight to the wood, but they don’t have the guts to get into it. They simply look at   the wood say goodnight to it and go away, not getting into the depth of the wood of the mysteries of the world. Simply looking at one another was the limit of their relation.  None of the two parties is sure that the other party would return its love. There is confusion in their relation .   Thus Frost in his great nature lyric “Two Look at Two” dwells upon the wall/gap/barrier between man and nature.
  Another dimension of Frost’s meditation is shown here. The characters stand on the border line or on the edge of woods. They don’t get into the depth of the woods, that is they maintain a safe distance from the unknown mysteries of life.    


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