Theme and analysis of poem Eagle

                                                                             The Eagle

The Eagle' may be a literary work written by the Englishman Alfred, Lord Alfred Lord Tennyson. Alfred Lord Tennyson lived throughout the Victorian Era, throughout the 1800s. during this era, a movement known as Romanticism became very standard among the literary society. it had been the reaction to the previous Age of Reason among the culture.

Romanticism targeted on freedom rather than formalism, individualism rather than conformity, and imagination rather than reality. Romantic poets believed that nature was lovely, and humans area unit the middle of nature. They believed humans ought to get in contact with their inner soul by appreciating the sweetness of nature. Tennyson's 'The Eagle' clearly shows a stress on appreciating nature.

The literary work features a terribly straightforward conception. It focuses on one eagle alone within the wild. within the initial line, the eagle is atop a mountain, poised to strike. he's high wherever no alternative animal or human will go. he's alone in his grandeur, with the sun and therefore the cerulean sky forming the proper background scenery.

The second text shows the sole action of the eagle. the primary and second line show that as he watches from his high perch, the ocean moves below him. Then, within the final line, the eagle makes a grand dive towards the ocean. The literary work ends here, with the reader just about positive why the eagle dived off his mountain roost.

'The Eagle' is one among Tennyson's shortest poems. it's composed of solely 2 stanzas, with three lines each. However, it is full of figurative language and deeper meaning. Let's look at the figurative language in each line.

Reread the first line of the poem. You should be able to detect alliteration (a repetition of similar sounds in the beginning of words) in the words 'clasps,' 'crag' and 'crooked.' Each of those words begins with a hard 'c' sound. Tennyson uses this technique to make emphasis and create a specific melody. The reader cannot breeze through these sounds; each hard 'c' makes the reader pause and enunciate.

In this way, Tennyson is ensuring the reader pauses to consider the eagle, high up on his perch. In addition, these lines have personification, which gives human traits to inhuman objects. Do eagles have hands? Of course not. Describing the eagle as holding on with hands makes the comparison to humans, which in turn, makes the eagle seem much more important than a simple bird.

Move on to the second line. Again, there is alliteration in the phrase 'lonely lands.' There is also hyperbole, which is an extreme exaggeration, in the phrase 'close to the sun.' Is the eagle actually close to the sun? Not really, the sun is millions of miles away from the Earth. Again, Tennyson uses these devices to emphasize how this eagle is sitting on top of the world, where no other living being could possibly be, even man.

Reread the third line. It contains imagery, or words that appeal to the five senses, that area unit very visual. Alfred Lord Tennyson uses the colour word 'azure,' which accurately suggests that cerulean, and this blue air is 'ringed' round the eagle. This creates a really majestic image. image trying up at this tall, chain. The eagle sits on prime, particularly alternative life, with the sun blazing behind him, and therefore the cerulean sky accentuating his silhouette. it is a pretty spectacular visual.

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