Romantic Love
Visionary or Romantic love
is when the chemicals in your head kick in and you feel an
impassioned high,
exhilaration, passion, and elation when you and your lover are together.
The previous saying about love being blind truly describes
romantic love. Many people who are in the midst of romantic love want to be
with their lover all the time and can overlook faults, conflict, and abuse.
Illusion or Infatuation is an aspect of romantic love.
The proved articles by
scientific that we have read concerning infatuation
report that most individuals may not sustain that type of emotional high for an
extended period of time such as years and years.
A male or female will
realize that the infatuation/romantic love phase of their relationship is
declining/ wearing off when a sense of disillusionment sets in. Helpmates may
become more critical of one another, become easily irritated at things that
didn't bother them earlier in their relationship, have less patience with each
other, and could be indifferent to the wants and feelings of each other. Not only
bailing out and communicating dreams but
also desires, thoughts, and feelings with one another can lead to the
wonderful stage of mature love.
It is
also known as:
1. Puppy love
2. Honeymoon
Sexual love
Having a crash &
Infatuation or limerence
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