Time,Real and Imaginary poem summary

                                             Time, Real and Imaginary by S.T Coleridge

The mountain's head is that the mind with its sensory system, a product of nature, but higher, elevated than the lower places. The mountains head is wherever each thinking and imagination happen, each higher functions of the soul. "..twas some faery place." this is often the imaginal realm, the extraordinary capability of the human imagination, and therefore the human spirit, that is bolstered by the word "pinion" a bird's outer wing, that represents the mind and spirit. A sister and a brother reveals 2 aspects to the psyche, a masculine and a female. we tend to might consider the 2 hemispheres of the brain, or the visceral brain (ancient craniate brain) and therefore the neo-cortex (modern analytic brain). the female side is ahead trying backwards; the masculine side is blind and is aware of not whether or not he be initial of last. will the physical world create to a aware human creature? Or will the imaginal realm of spirit slowly coalesce into the physical state? The self, what animates our spirit, runs sooner than the breast, our hopes and dreams outflank our capability to actualize our wishes typically times. In reality, the blind animosity, our capability to manage our affairs within the world, cannot maintain with the imagination, or the artistic spirit that has access to the imaginal realm. Why will she ever run with reverted face? as a result of we tend to don't see the long run, as we are able to see the past. we are able to imagine future potentialities, however we tend to struggle in rough circumstances to actualize these dreams. Why is that the boy blind? as a result of will|we will|we are able to}not see the long run as we tend to can see the past. we will not truly see the past, however we've a definite impression regarding it, we tend to believe our impression square measure real, or that History is associate degree authentic account of sure events. But, in fact, we tend to solely have the immediate expertise of our senses to see what's real...beyond that we rely on figments of the imagination: "twas a faery place." The senses square measure blind in an exceedingly sense, to the fact of the imaginal realm, that so much outstrips the senses, per se. The imagination flies ahead wherever the senses square measure guaranteed to the immediate circumstances. this is often the important and Imaginary Time.

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