ANTICLIMAX OR BATHOS

 It is a figure which consists in a sudden fall from the lofty to the mean,from the elevated to the commonplace,which produces a ludicrous effect. Anticlimax signifies a ludicrous descent from the higher to the lower.In this figure ideas are arranged in a descending order of importance from the more impressive to the less,from the dignified to the petty,and the purpose behind such arrangement is excite laughter. In the example 'He lost his wife,his child,his goods and his dog at once fell swoop.' We notice that there is a sudden descent from the serious to the light which produces a comic effect.

The chief characteristics of an anticlimax are given bellow:

1)There is a series of words,phrases or ideas.

2)They are arranged in a descending order of importance.

3)There is a sudden fall at the end.

4)The final term provokes laughter.

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