
Initially ,seems to be absurd or self contradictory ,yet turns out to have a valid meaning. is a figure of speech in which a statement or assertion ,taken superf

A paradox runs counter to a received opinion .It also seems to be inconsistent at first .It is or may be true .For example,when a character of show remarks 'Nine soldiers out of ten are cowards ',.We at once perceive it to be an instance of paradox .It seems absurd at first  (for, how can soldiers be cowards?) and conflicts with received opinion (for we think soldiers to be brave ).But it reveals a novel truth since we realise that concern for safety of life makes them as cowardly as any ordinary man.

The chief characteristics of a paradox are:

1) It contains a contradiction.

2)It seems absurd at the first reading.

3)It conflicts with received opinion.

4) It contains a basis of truth or some valid meaning.

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